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Meet our Staff!
While our staff may change a bit each year, know that the group of people below have been praying for you and preparing for this years week of camp more then you may even realize. Some of the faces you see may be new to you, some you may have known for years! We even have some former campers who have grown up and are now on our staff!
2018 Alive Staff
Listed Alphabetically

Garine "G" Adams
Band Teacher

Jeremy Adams
Bass Teacher

Tia Camara
Dance Teacher

Madison Creggar

Miranda Creggar
On Outside Assignment

Missy Creggar

Wade Creggar
Sr. Director of Activities

Kenny Flournoy
Father of the Dorms

Steven Geiger

Mike Gonter
Set Design Teacher

Stephanie Gonter

Tracy Hougham
Photography Teacher

Michael Keehbauch

Stacy Mosby
Drama Teacher

Justin Pressly
Guitar Teacher

Jen Rodgers
Service Side Boss Lady

Jon Rodgers
Service Side Boss

Mike Stallman
Activities Asst.

Alex Swab
Service Side Something

Vicky Tenney
Mother of the Dorms
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