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Frequently Asked Questions about Camp!
How do I register? Go to the About Page and click "Register HERE!"
What time do I arrive? Registration begins at 4pm on Sunday afternoon. (We love you, but we prefer that you don't arrive early!)
What time is it over? Programming ends around 1pm for pick up on FRIDAY! We usually have baptisms afterwards for anyone that wishes to stay!
What do I bring? Bible, Toothbrush/Toothpaste, Soap/Towels/Shampoo, Comb/Brush, Extra Shoes(wet), Swimsuit (see dress-code), Jacket, A variety of Clothes (refer to dress-code), Bag for Laundry, Pillow/Twin Sheets/Blanket or Sleeping Bag, Sun Block, Flashlight, Insect Repellent, Camera.
DO NOT BRING: Cell phone, IPad, Tablet, Laptop or any electronic device with internet accessibility unless otherwise approved by the dean. Why? This is a camp policy to protect the student. Now that electronic devices have the capability to take photographs and access the internet, we have limited them to staff only. Parents needing to reach their children, can contact the deans at any time day or night at the numbers above.
When do I "sign up" for worship arts classes? You can call, text or email the dean(s) following registration at any time.
What if I can't afford the tuition? There are many ways to raise funds for your camp tuition, please contact the dean(s) for any and all ideas! Don't let money be the reason you do not attend!
Is there transportation? Please reach out to the dean(s) for any transportation needs! We are here to help!
Can I bring a friend? Yes! We encourage it! Bring as many as you like, just make sure you register them!
What if I have dietary needs? We are here to accommodate! Please reach out to the dean(s) and we will assist you.
What if I have health issues and/or medication? No problem! We have nurses! Chris and Madi Deweese (both are RN's) are on staff! All medications will be locked up and distributed as prescribed.
North Florida Christian Camp
6779 Camp Rd.
Keystone Heights, FL 32656
Camp Dean Contacts:
Brandy Thompson
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